An Introduction to the Art and Biography of Western Canadian Artist
Richard Dixon

[Biography] [History] [Artist's Statement] [Collectors] [pricing] [Images] [Virtual Gallery] [Contact]

Current projects


Current Projects and available pieces.

Please enquire by emailing the artist Richard Dixon

Muledeer at the River's Edge by Richard Dixon

Due to the practice of commercial theft of artist's images from the internet, this site is intentionally restricted to presenting reduced resolution images,a basic description of the artist's works, ongoing projects and biographical data. For more specific information on the artist's career, current international projects and dealership enquiries please contact the artist directly by e-mailing Purchasers of art from galleries or agents should also verify the authenticity of the works with the artist, a service which is free and will protect them from work sold as Richard Dixon's but are not, such works having surfaced in Arizona, New Mexico and North Carolina.

Copyright © 2004-2014 by Richard Dixon. Website designed by Jim Willett Website hosted by Out of the Fire Studio.